S.M.A. Moudud Ahmed
S.M.A. Moudud Ahmed Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Administration



S.M.A. Moudud Ahmed completed his graduation and post-graduation from the Institute of business administration, Jahangirnagar University. He was involved in a wide range of research projects such as development sector research, market research, and academic research during his academic life. After joining as a faculty member in the Institute of business administration, Jahangirnagar University, he exerted his craving on both financial analysis and market research.   


Finance, Financial Economics, Retail Marketing and Services Marketing 


Islam, K.M.Z., Sharif M.I., Ahmed, S.M.A.M., (2015), Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence from Selected Firms Listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, 9, 2, pp.10-25, 2015.

The paper investigates the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance of 60 Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) listed companies of Bangladesh Stock Exchange using cross-section data of the year 2011. This study focused on eight aspects of corporate governance namely Board Size (BS), Number of independent directors, CEO duality, Logged asset, Debt-equity ratio, Proportion of independent directors, and Broad meeting frequency. Firm performance has been measured through return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). The findings of the study suggest that corporate governance variables do influence firms’ performance.

Islam, K.M.Z, Hoque M.N., Ahmed S.M.A.M., (2015), Dynamic Relationships Between Stock Market Indices and Macroeconomic Aggregates: A Time Series Evidence from Bangladesh Economy, Jahangirnagar Journal of Finance and Banking, 3, pp.113-131, 2015.

Using yearly data from 1990 to 2013, the paper investigates the causal relationship between five macro-economic variables (interest rate spread, foreign direct investment, consumer price index, gross domestic product growth and savings from gross domestic products) and Dhaka stock exchange stock prices using co-integration and Granger causality test.

Academic Info

Institute: Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University
Period: 2012


Institute: Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University
Period: 2013



Organization: Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 2020- Present
Organization: Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Lecturer
Period: 2017-2020


S.M.A. Moudud Ahmed

Assistant Professor
Institute of Business Administration
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01912541159
Email: moudud19391@juniv.edu , moudud19391@gmail.com